Bumps In the Night - An Exorcise in Futility

Over two months ago, I was whining to Jenni Powell how I didn’t get to collaborate anymore. So did the logical thing? Told me to shut up and invited me to guest-direct an episode of the horror-comedy show she produces called Bumps in the Night.

It was a great opportunity for me, as I hadn’t called the shots in over two years since we last produced Galacticast, and this would be only the second time I directed somebody else’s material (the first was an amazing screenplay that Matthew Balthrop wrote for us). I learned (and re-learned) many things along the way, which will make for great future posts.

I have so many people to thank for this episode:

  • Jenni Powell for inviting me in (hope she doesn’t regret it too much)
  • The writers and stars of Bumps; Emmet Furey, John Reha, and Greg Benevent. You constantly surprised and amazed me with your delivery. We have to work together again sometime.
  • Our guest stars April Billingsley and Daniel Weiss. Their patience and advice to this humble director was very much appreciated.
  • To editor Andrew Seeley; he was going to sit this one out as I rampaged through the editing, but came to our rescue when we needed him.
  • And finally, to my love, Casey McKinnon, not only for her cameo appearance(s), but for tolerating many super late nights of her frustrated guy focused on his computer instead of cuddling with her. You’re the best.